Tuesday, November 11, 2008

BANNED!!!! Salvia Divinorum Is Another Marijuana

Salvia Divinorum has been called the substitution to Marijuana. That's right, all this time you've been sneaking in with weed, there's been another hallucinogenic plant that is native to the northeastern Sierra Mazatecca mountain region of Mexico that native Mazatecs (soon to be rich entrepreneurs) have been using it for centuries as a healing and divining tool.

It is little known outside of the local region and it is a perennial herb that grows naturally. Salvia is now being cultivated in some areas of the United States - big surprise. Now, you won't find this herb at your local nursery as it is one of the many medicinal herbs in the mint family. The psychoactive component which produces all those good feelings and hallucinogenic effects is Salvia divinorum, Salvinorin A which is one of the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogens out there.

It is not listed currently as one of those "controlled substances" that the United States lists and as a result it is not criminalized and you can smoke it to your hearts content without fear of the long arm of the law coming up and slamming you. To date, Australia is the only country that has criminalized Salvia divinorum or any of its active ingredients.

So, here we are with a Texas State Representative about to take all of that away by filing legislation to ban the possession of the herb. State Rep. Doc Anderson has taken his cause nationwide appearing on Dr. Phil last Tuesday to focus attention on the drug. He stated that “The substance is dangerous, incapacitating, and serves no medical use whatsoever…[and] has possible dangerous health effects and is unregulated in Texas.”

He has a proposed bill that would criminalize possession of Salvia Divinorum a Class A Misdemeanor. This isn't the first time he tried to do this, but last time in 2007, the bill didn't get out of committee.

As with all things, it has blown back into view via YouTube - it's always YouTube or eBay for these expose things - and the video goes into detail about the short history of the use of Salvia Divinorum as a drug. (See video below).

So, it is once again a menace, and here we go again. If you think it's right or fair to ban this herb after watching the video, now's the time to step up. If you think that Marijuana should be legalized, here's a chance to get the fight back on the table by keeping Marijuana-like "Salvia Divinorum"legal.

If you just want to see two guys act like idiots, watch the video below, or just go out and buy some weed and get high the old fashioned way....provided you are over 18 years old, of course, and only for medicinal purposes prescribed by your doctor in a U.S. State where it's legal to do that. Whew!

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